Relatable photostories

To help me in the development of this project I’ve been looking to number photo stories with relevance topics someone that I’m looking at. Below I have listed few people that I looked at there being influenced me and help my work. These photo stories and Struggles within work and struggles with sexuality. After the images show some real emotion if you can engage them well and They’re very touching. This is what I hope to achieve in my project and really engaging biography of individual struggled that is looking to find happiness I’m goodness within my life. I understand it is sensitive subject and something that should be taken care when photographing. I want the  photographs to look gentle, soft and respectful of the topic area.


This link has been useful as a study that has already been done but in terms of women and sexual representation in photography –

This page from the British Journal of Photography has been of massive help has it maps the changing trends and states artists/photographers to look at which has been good inspiration –

Such as Hannah Farrell – although her work is possibly a little explicit for this work, although her work entitled “close your eyes and think of England” has helped shape my ideas.

“Campbell Addy talks sexuality and spirituality in his work” – provides some delicate portrates of gay men which are sensitive and relatable to the sort of protrait work that I will include within this project.


I have also been looking at artwork, such as  – Aviation Art by Geoff Nutkins:


This article which features photographs of Prince William and inside his RAF working carees, although possibly in the style of main stream mead, theu give a good idea of what the photostory could look like.

I’ve also been researching relivant sites to do with RAF LGBT networks such as:

It has given me a depth of knoledge into their approch and they their policies which makes me understand how the subject might feel.

It is even just good to google photographs of British men, to see what the looks are to see how I can show my subject.

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